Multi-Disciplinary Team

Giant Steps’ clinical model incorporates a multi-disciplinary approach to instructing students with autism spectrum disorders. Our treatment philosophy is that students benefit most from an integrated and holistic approach to learning and that related services enhance students’ access to educational programming. Each team member brings a unique perspective, skill set, and expertise to the table that enhances the instruction and services provided to students. One of the strengths of the Giant Steps program is the highly collaborative multi-disciplinary team approach. These team members work together to ensure staff use a consistent approach throughout the day to support the generalization of skills. Our creative and innovative team of educators and clinicians includes:

Special Education Teachers

Our LBS1 educators develop academic programming for each student that exposes them to the standards-based curriculum and provides individualized support to help them progress on their  IEP goals.  Our teachers serve as parent liaisons daily and help share relevant information with the full team.

Speech/Language Therapy (SLP)

Our SLPs promote receptive, expressive, and pragmatic language skills through various interventions and supports.  We aim for every student to have a reliable, spontaneous communication method.  We partner with districts to ensure each student can access appropriate communication tools. 

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Our OTs consider each student’s sensory needs and create individualized support plans. They also address fine motor needs (tying shoes, handwriting, typing, fasteners, etc.) and increase students’ independence with activities of daily living (e.g., tooth brushing, putting on deodorant, cooking routines, pre-vocational skills, etc.).

Social Workers

Our Social Workers address social-emotional needs such as coping skills, social skills, flexibility, understanding puberty-related changes, and independence with play/leisure skills.  They also serve as a resource for our families to help them prepare for their child’s transition to adulthood and connect them with community resources upon request.

Music Therapists

Our MTs use the context of music to work on non-music-related goals (e.g., supporting communication, executive functioning skills, attention skills, social interaction, and motor skills).  They are trained in the Neurologic Music Therapy approach, which looks at how music impacts the brain and can be used therapeutically.

Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA)

Our BCBAs apply the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to shape student behavior by creating an individualized behavior intervention plan for each student that incorporates proactive supports (such as a motivation system and multidisciplinary supports) as well as reactive strategies. They also analyze student behavior data and support skill acquisition that leads to independence. 

The service delivery model is based on student needs (e.g., push-in services, pull-out services), but related service providers are highly integrated into each student’s day.